"Gannu" is an animated series created by The Monk Studios and Dancing Atoms. It is one of the six delegations of filmmakers selected from a pool of candidates from emerging animation communities for Stories x Women (2022) program. Co-hosted by Women in Animation (WIA) and the International Federation of Film Producers’ Associations (FIAPF), the Stories x Women program is sponsored by Walt Disney Animation Studios with support from Triggerfish Animation and is aimed at increasing the diversity of voices in animation around the world.
This year, The Monk Studios' creative producer Aimsinthu Ramasoot and Dancing Atoms' founder Saraswathi Vani Balgam have joined up to tell the story of Gannu at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, which took place in France from 13–18 June 2022.
“Gannu” is an animated series that follows the adventures of a group of children and their imaginary elephant friend, Gannu – a goofy, easily distracted genie, whose bag of magical seeds allows the children to open doors to adventures in worlds powered by their imagination. In every episode, the children encounter real-life predicaments and use the ideas gained through play to come up with solutions.